741 W Hollis St, Nashua, NH 03062 | renoab741@gmail.com
We Work For You, Not The Insurance Companies

Quality Auto Body Work in Nashua, New Hampshire

Reno's Autobody Inc. in Nashua, New Hampshire, is your source for quality auto body work. Our services include everything from undercoating to frame straightening. We also offer low-cost rentals and pickup and delivery services.
Our shop opened in 1969. Our current owner, John Deschenes, has more than 40 years of experience in the industry. His vision is to provide service that exceeds your expectations. John took over the business from his father and he has maintained its excellence and moved it into the twenty-first century. Our philosophy centers on community support, customer loyalty, and great service at a great price.

Auto Services

Make your vehicle or motorcycle look like a unique ride with custom paint designs from Reno's Autobody Inc. We also offer frame straightening and undercoating.


Check out some before and after photos of our past projects in our gallery. We are confident that you'll be very impressed with our work—our 100% satisfaction guarantee says so.
Proudly Serving Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, & Northern Middlesex, Massachusetts. Contact our local shop today in Nashua, New Hampshire, to request a free estimate for one of our services!
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